Darene Roma Yavorsky


DARENE ROMA YAVORSKY • Communications, Editing & Creative Design

Art, literature and music were the lens through which Darene began to see the world from an early age, and the focus intensified into a passion and synchronous occupation as her career has unfolded. Production management for an advertising agency and a software-writing firm; newspaper and magazine editing; freelance work for government, industry, educational institutions and charitable organizations ~ leading to her formation of The Word & Image Studio where creative pursuits have made her an affiliate of Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency under three categories: writer, publisher and visual artist.

Of Ukrainian heritage, Darene wrote, designed and published (in 2007) the biography of her late father (‘Show Them What You Can Do’ ~ Building the Ukrainian Spirit Across Canada:  An Illustrated Biography of Pavlo Romanovich Yavorsky), a significant figure in formative Ukrainian-Canadian arts and culture; which led to a meeting, in 2008, requested by Dr. Marcia Ostashewski of CBU. From that encounter, Darene has been fortunate to work, almost annually, on design and writing aspects of Dr. Ostashewski’s many projects: books, exhibitions, logos, poster designs, cover art and more; and is now contracted to provide communications, editing and creative design to the CSC.

Concurrently, in 2010, she became a student of the violin, dedicated to Conservatory studies and the regional orchestra in which she performs, with a particular interest in music of the Baroque composers. Darene also administers The Pavlo Romanovich Yavorsky Memorial Youth Award in Ukrainian Dance, presented, since 2015, at Saskatchewan’s Tavria Ukrainian Dance Festival to “the student whose solo performance communicates joy and passion for the art form, conveying the heart and soul of Ukrainian culture and tradition.”