Preliminary Program

We are pleased to announce that the Singing Storytellers Preliminary Program is now available on our website!

***Please note that some aspects of this preliminary program are pending approval of funding and cannot be confirmed until all grant applications have been adjudicated. Information will be updated as it becomes available over the coming weeks.***

Once the program has been finalized in a few weeks time, a PDF of the final program will be made available for download. A booklet of presentation and workshop abstracts will also be made available.

Please continue to check our website and our Singing Storytellers Facebook page, for more information.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Cape Breton this October!

With kindest regards,                                                                                                          Marcia Ostashewski,                                                                                                                                                     Canada Research Chair in Communities and Culture,                                                      Cape Breton University                                                                                                                                                    and the Singing Storytellers Organizing Committees