Posts Tagged ‘Singing The Circle: Music Education from Birth to Adult’
Singing the Circle: Educator PD Event
Thanks to the generosity of our funding partners, we are pleased to offer this PD day free of charge.
Singing the Circle: Music Education from Birth to Adult
(Boardmore Playhouse, Cape Breton University)
Registration: 8:30-9:15 am
Welcome and Introductions: 9:15-9:30 am
Session I: 9:30-10:30: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Nutrition Break: 10:30-10:45am
Session II: 10:45-11:45 am : Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions
LUNCH (NOON to 1pm)
Session 3: 1-2 pm: The Wonder of the Child Voice
Final Plenary Discussion: 2-3 pm
Session I: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
In late 16th century, British composer, William Byrd (1543-1623) published one of the first English songbooks. Within this book, Byrd wrote of the wonder of singing and reasons why “all ‘men’ would learn to sing.” Designed to address the needs of both classroom music and choral—through songs, games, and dances—this session will focus on the importance of singing for musical, intellectual, and personal development and how Byrd’s ideas, although centuries’ old, remain true today.
Session II: Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions (Cathy Benedict, U Western Ontario)
Classroom management problems arise when teachers fail to understand that focused musical transitions are essential for successful lessons. What if, rather than managing children, we design lesson plans that flow so tightly music making is all we worry about? Participants will experience a series of elementary lesson plans that demonstrate musical activities and transitions that serve to facilitate safe, creative musical environments. Join us as we say ‘No’ to managing and ‘Yes’ to making music.
Session III: The Wonder of the Child Voice (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Our voices, and especially our singing voices, are miraculous forces of nature designed to help us survive, to communicate, and to create! Children’s voices—flexible, adaptable, and resilient—move through many developmental stages. As we prepare to celebrate World Singing Day, this session will examine the singing journey from early years through to adolescence with suggestions for a sequential vocal curriculum and suitable repertoire.
Singing The Circle: Music Education from Birth to Adult
www.singingthecircle.eventbrite.comUpdate: Early bird registration: 15 September 2017, $65 + applicable fees
Last day to register in advance: 5 October 2017, $80 + applicable fees
Singing the Circle: Music Education from Birth to Adult
(Boardmore Playhouse, Cape Breton University)
Registration: 8:30-9:15 am
Welcome and Introductions: 9:15-9:30 am
Session I: 9:30-10:30: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Nutrition Break: 10:30-10:45am
Session II: 10:45-11:45 am : Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions
LUNCH (NOON to 1pm)
Session 3: 1-2 pm: The Wonder of the Child Voice
Final Plenary Discussion: 2-3 pm
Session I: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
In late 16th century, British composer, William Byrd (1543-1623) published one of the first English songbooks. Within this book, Byrd wrote of the wonder of singing and reasons why “all ‘men’ would learn to sing.” Designed to address the needs of both classroom music and choral—through songs, games, and dances—this session will focus on the importance of singing for musical, intellectual, and personal development and how Byrd’s ideas, although centuries’ old, remain true today.
Session II: Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions (Cathy Benedict, U Western Ontario)
Classroom management problems arise when teachers fail to understand that focused musical transitions are essential for successful lessons. What if, rather than managing children, we design lesson plans that flow so tightly music making is all we worry about? Participants will experience a series of elementary lesson plans that demonstrate musical activities and transitions that serve to facilitate safe, creative musical environments. Join us as we say ‘No’ to managing and ‘Yes’ to making music.
Session III: The Wonder of the Child Voice (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Our voices, and especially our singing voices, are miraculous forces of nature designed to help us survive, to communicate, and to create! Children’s voices—flexible, adaptable, and resilient—move through many developmental stages. As we prepare to celebrate World Singing Day, this session will examine the singing journey from early years through to adolescence with suggestions for a sequential vocal curriculum and suitable repertoire.