Posts Tagged ‘2017’
Singing the Circle: World Singing Day
Singing the Circle: World Singing Day Date is Sunday, October 22, 2017.
The start time is 2p.m. and the ending time will be announced soon!
Singing the Circle | World Singing Day | Songs & Stories of Migration and Encounter
Singing the Circle workshops are designed to explore and celebrate the basic human act of singing and the artistic use of the human voice within the circle of life, from the time of birth through to the end of life. The 2017 World Singing Day Weekend is an opportune time for singers of all ages to gather together and explore the miracle of the singing voice alongside the esteemed Cape Breton Chorale, accompanied by the finest instrumentalists from the island and beyond. World Singing Day Weekend is a perfect occasion to join our voices together in harmony to reconcile and pay homage to Canadian confederation at 150. Come, Sing the Circle with us as we take the time to reflect, refresh, renew, and rejoice with our voice!
All My Relations – Community Arts Research Showcase
Sunday, October, 22, 2017, 2PM – Boardmore Theatre, Cape Breton University
Join us for an afternoon of music and entertainment, featuring performances by The Cape Breton Choral, youth participants of our Songs and Stories of Migration workshops, Singing the Circle: Choral Workshop participants and a special Indigenous Welcome by Clifford Paul. The afternoon will also include several interactive multimedia activities and light refreshments.
Singing the Circle Choral Workshop
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2017
Time: TBC
Location: Centre for Sound Communities
Join us on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at the Centre for Sound Communities for Singing the Circle: Choral Workshop, a Multi-generational choral workshop lead by Ardelle Ries, University of Alberta and Cathy Benedict, Western University.
The workshop will be followed by a performance for World Singing Day Concert the Boardmore Theatre, CBU on Sunday, October 22, 2017. Along with performances by youth who participated in “Songs and Stories of Migration and Encounter” a five-week in-community workshop for youth ages 12-18.
Registration and more information to come, check back soon!
Singing the Circle: Choral Workshop
Singing the Circle | Choral Workshop | World Singing Day Weekend
Singing the Circle workshops are designed to explore and celebrate the basic human act of singing and the artistic use of the human voice within the circle of life, from the time of birth through to the end of life. The 2017 World Singing Day Weekend is an opportune time for singers of all ages to gather together and explore the miracle of the singing voice alongside the esteemed Cape Breton Chorale, accompanied by the finest instrumentalists from the island and beyond. World Singing Day Weekend is a perfect occasion to join our voices together in harmony to reconcile and pay homage to Canadian confederation at 150. Come, Sing the Circle with us as we take the time to reflect, refresh, renew, and rejoice with our voice!
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2017
Time: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Centre for Sound Communities
Cost: Free.
Due to the generous support of our funders, we are pleased to offer this Choral Workshop free of charge.
9:00a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Singing the Circle: The Warm Up, The Workout, & The Why?
Interspersed with reflections on the uniquely human act of singing, start the day with unique and innovative vocal warm ups and exercises designed to promote freedom, vocal agility, and ease.
10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Singing the Circle: Together in the Round
One of the most joyful experiences and achievements in the life of a choral singer is the ability to sing independent parts to create harmony! Workshop participants will delight in the singing of some of the most beautiful and treasured canons and rounds from centuries past through to the present day.
10:45 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Nutrition Break
11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Singing the Circle: Reflections of Canada | From Coast to Coast to Coast Session I
To mark Canadian confederation at 150, a wide variety of Canadian folk songs arranged by fine Canadian composers for a cappella voices will be explored.
12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m.
Singing the Circle: Reflections of Canada | From Coast to Coast to Coast Session II
To mark Canadian confederation at 150, a wide variety of Canadian folk songs arranged by fine Canadian composers for a cappella voices will be explored.
2:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m.
Singing the Circle: A Celebration of the Body, Mind, Spirit, and Voice!
Traditional singing games and dances and a reflection on our singing and the day’s events will bring us full circle.
The workshop will be followed by a performance for World Singing Day Concert the Boardmore Theatre, CBU on Sunday, October 22, 2017. Along with performances by youth who participated in “Songs and Stories of Migration and Encounter” a five-week in-community workshop for youth ages 12-18.
Registration is now open! Click here to register NOW!
Songs and Stories of Migration and Encounter
Date: September 11, 2017 – October 22, 2017
Venue: Locations across Cape Breton Island – Locations TBA
Project Information:
For youth ages 12 to 18 – Join us at one of our in-community locations for 5 weeks of creative arts, multimedia, songwriting and performance workshops where youth will be working with artists, elders and facilitators to converse, collaborate and create a piece about migration and encounter. Workshops will begin the week of September 11, 2017.
For more information please call Kathleen: (902)561-1121 or send us an email at
Songs and Stories of Migration and Encounter
Date: September 11, 2017 – October 22, 2017
Venue: Locations across Cape Breton Island – Locations TBA
Project Information:
For youth ages 12 to 18 – Join us at one of our in-community locations for 5 weeks of creative arts, multimedia, songwriting and performance workshops where youth will be working with artists, elders and facilitators to converse, collaborate and create a piece about migration and encounter. Workshops will begin the week of September 11, 2017.
For more information please call Kathleen: (902)561-1121 or send us an email at
Singing the Circle: Educator PD Event
Thanks to the generosity of our funding partners, we are pleased to offer this PD day free of charge.
Singing the Circle: Music Education from Birth to Adult
(Boardmore Playhouse, Cape Breton University)
Registration: 8:30-9:15 am
Welcome and Introductions: 9:15-9:30 am
Session I: 9:30-10:30: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Nutrition Break: 10:30-10:45am
Session II: 10:45-11:45 am : Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions
LUNCH (NOON to 1pm)
Session 3: 1-2 pm: The Wonder of the Child Voice
Final Plenary Discussion: 2-3 pm
Session I: It All Starts With Singing (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
In late 16th century, British composer, William Byrd (1543-1623) published one of the first English songbooks. Within this book, Byrd wrote of the wonder of singing and reasons why “all ‘men’ would learn to sing.” Designed to address the needs of both classroom music and choral—through songs, games, and dances—this session will focus on the importance of singing for musical, intellectual, and personal development and how Byrd’s ideas, although centuries’ old, remain true today.
Session II: Doing Away With Classroom Management: Teaching for Musical Transitions (Cathy Benedict, U Western Ontario)
Classroom management problems arise when teachers fail to understand that focused musical transitions are essential for successful lessons. What if, rather than managing children, we design lesson plans that flow so tightly music making is all we worry about? Participants will experience a series of elementary lesson plans that demonstrate musical activities and transitions that serve to facilitate safe, creative musical environments. Join us as we say ‘No’ to managing and ‘Yes’ to making music.
Session III: The Wonder of the Child Voice (Ardelle Ries, U Alberta)
Our voices, and especially our singing voices, are miraculous forces of nature designed to help us survive, to communicate, and to create! Children’s voices—flexible, adaptable, and resilient—move through many developmental stages. As we prepare to celebrate World Singing Day, this session will examine the singing journey from early years through to adolescence with suggestions for a sequential vocal curriculum and suitable repertoire.
Songwriting Workshops for Youth
Project Information
Songwriting Workshops: For Youth ages 12 to 18, there are three in-community workshops where youth will be working with singers and artist facilitators to co-create a music piece about immigration and encounter. There will also be mentors (Stewart MacNeil, Bryan Cherwick, and Robert Deveaux) at each of the locations giving information and telling stories of their experience or families experience with immigration to Canada and Cape Breton. For more information please call (902)563-1696. The deadline for registration is June 15th.
Songwriting Workshops for Youth
Project Information
Songwriting Workshops: For Youth ages 12 to 18, there are three in-community workshops where youth will be working with singers and artist facilitators to co-create a music piece about immigration and encounter. There will also be mentors (Stewart MacNeil, Bryan Cherwick, and Robert Deveaux) at each of the locations giving information and telling stories of their experience or families experience with immigration to Canada and Cape Breton. For more information please call (902)563-1696. The deadline for registration is June 15th.
Songs and Stories of Immigration and Encounter
More Updates Coming Soon
Project Information
Songwriting Workshops: For Youth ages 12 to 18, there are three in-community workshops where youth will be working with singers and artist facilitators to co-create a music piece about immigration and encounter. There will also be mentors (Stewart MacNeil, Bryan Cherwick, and Robert Deveaux) at each of the locations giving information and telling stories of their experience or families experience with immigration to Canada and Cape Breton. For more information please call (902)563-1696. The deadline for registration is June 15th.